My Bright Ideas For An Organised Life Mini Journal



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A mini journal to help you create order in your life so you can achieve your boldest dreams and do more of what you love. Whether you want to get on top of things, clear the clutter, feel more productive or find a healthy balance, this is your time for an organised life. 

Intrinsic's bright red, pint-sized journal easily slips into your pocket or handbag to carry with you for whenever inspiration hits and you need to jot down those light-bulb decluttering ideas!

Run your fingers over the beautifully embossed cover as you visualise what an organised life means to you.

Use this mini journal to:

  • Create order with your busy work/school/extra-curricular activities
  • Plan to finally declutter that 'junk' room in your home
  • Decrease your stress levels
  • Work through a to-do list of all the things you've been putting off
  • Make plans to reduce your stress and maximise time

No matter your intentions, put pen to paper to plan a life that is clutter-free, stress-free and fun!

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