Soul Chat with Juliet Lever

Welcome to 'Soul Chats', where we talk with positivity queens, inspiring goddesses, empowering wonder women, and awe-inspiring girl bosses.
Our vision is to uncover how these lovely ladies nurture their soul, feed their mind, and nourish their body, to share their tips and insight with Intrinsic's beautiful community.
Next up, we chat with Juliet Lever; a passionate author, speaker, personal development coach, NLP Trainer, reiki master, yoga teacher and podcast host - now that's a whole lot of achievements!
Juliet believes that everyone deserves to live their most fulfilling life, so grab a cuppa, get comfy, and read below to learn Juliet's tips and tricks for living her best life:
I practice mindfulness every day by...
Journaling, asking myself powerful questions like 'what is this person/situation teaching me' and 'what is my ultimate intention in this moment'.
I also love taking time to practice gratitude. I think about all of the people who were involved in helping me to have the food on my plate, it's really quite incredible to trace it all back.
Being in nature is also so powerful, and my partner and I walk our pup twice a day so we get plenty of time to chat and stop to smell the roses. Literally though, there is a particular house near us with the most abundant rose garden, and we always take time to smell the fragrance of the different coloured roses.
My top 3 self-care activities are...
1) Drinking 2L of warm water every day.
2) Giving myself a 'do nothing day' around my cycle.
3) Learning to say no to others, which means saying yes to myself. (This has been a big one for me).
My go-to tools for expanding my mind...
Naturally, I'll say NLP and Hypnosis! They are absolute game changers and some of the techniques are sooo simple, yet incredibly profound for accessing more of your neurology and seeing beyond the boundaries of a problem or situation.
I also love reading and often will walk to our large library of books and pull a book from the shelf intuitively and open to a random page. I love to simply absorb the words and intent from that page.
I nourish my body with...
Simple home-cooked foods and of course chocolate. I actually prefer cooking at home and infusing love and intention into my meals rather than eating out.
My fave quote...
"The easy road gets harder, and the hard road gets easier." I don't know whose quote it is, but it always comes in handy to serve as a good reminder. Another favourite belief I have is "nothing goes away until we have learnt all we need to."
My advice for maintaining a positive mindset through tough times...
FOCUS on what you want and what you can control. Breathe and know that the future is never here, now is all there is - so why suffer in this present moment about something that will never arrive?
Listen to Juliet's podcast interview with Intrinsic's very own inspiration queen Adèle Basheer on Relaunch My Life Radio.
Hear more from this motivating goddess by reading her best-selling self-help Relaunch My Life Book, popping over to her Relaunch Your Life website, liking Juliet Lever on Facebook or following @julietlever on Instagram to tap into her passion and contagious good vibes.