Copy of The Intrinsic Story

Intrinsic aspires to make a positive difference in people’s lives all around the globe, by sparking inspiration and uplifting them to create a life they love.

Intrinsic aspires to make a positive difference in people’s lives all around the globe, by sparking inspiration and uplifting them to create a life they love.

Hello there beautiful soul!

Want to know more about the wonderful world of Intrinsic? You've landed in the most perfect place!

Intrinsic is the love child of founders Adèle and Jamie Basheer, who began the South Australian business as a team of two in 1996. In search of a more meaningful approach to life and business, the soulmates sat down at their weathered kitchen table with $30 worth of recycled cardboard, a handful of quotes and a simple vision; to make a positive difference in the world.

Right then and there, Intrinsic's first greeting card collection was created, and now, we are one of Australia’s leading creators of inspirational stationery, giftware, greeting cards, diaries, homewares and travel accessories.

With original illustrated designs created by Intrinsic’s in-house design team in the heart of Adelaide, and Adèle Basheer’s inspirational quotes, we are known for our soulful spirit and positivity-packed burst of colour.

Who is Adele Basheer

Adèle Basheer is an inspiration icon, wisdom writer, journaling junkie, and motivational wonder woman. She's our leading lady, a dreamer and philosopher, an inspiring wordsmith. Infusing the world with positivity is her life-calling. Leading the premium lifestyle brand Intrinsic is her soul-satisfying day job.

Adèle pioneered the inspiration trend long before #inspo became en vogue, with her powerful ability of expressing messages in an authentic and compassionate way, touching a chord with people from all walks of life. Whether it be comfort, hope, resilience or joy, her words stir a deeply-held emotion within.

More than the words on a page, Adèle is a natural leader and has a way of weaving her magic into the lives of those who cross her path. From speaking engagements, to connecting with customers at trade shows, or sparking conversation with strangers in stores, we love seeing how Adèle so naturally connects with others and has them discovering their true passions and innermost essence.

The nature of Adèle's challenging childhood combined with her dynamic and driven personality, propelled her to follow the positive and proactive life she leads today. For Adèle, life is all about showing up: “You may not know where to begin or where it will lead you, but as long as you show up, you are half way there.”



Our vision

"Intrinsic is all about love, passion, grit and determination. It’s about falling down and getting up again. It’s about starting from the beginning. It’s about self-belief, purpose, finding joy, and living into your light. It’s about soul- searching and transformational growth.

We are your cheer squad in the pursuit of your dreams, a guiding light when you’ve strayed from your path, a shoulder to lean on during your most troubling times.

Our joy comes from creating beautiful, inspirational products and experiences that encourage you to live a life you love. A life that aligns with your values and dreams. A life that’s full of possibility.

I believe that with the right tools and support, you can transform your mind, your body and your soul. You can recognise the fear, doubts and patterns that hold you back, and develop the inner-wisdom to carry you forward.

You are worthy of magic and greatness. You are worthy of feeling beautiful, empowered, brave and comfortable in your own skin. To be the sparkling ‘you’ that you were destined to be."

Love Adèle


The Intrinsic Way

We believe in...
Connecting with your soul; the power of positivity, listening to the universe, tuning in to your intuition, finding happiness with gratitude, radiating with vibrant energy, and intention-setting.

Diving deep; journaling to know yourself, meditating to look inside, mindfulness to nurture your wellbeing, unleashing your creativity, and opening your mind with books and podcasts.

Embracing a colourful life; a rainbow of pretty hues, moments of self love, wanderlusting travel adventures, immersing yourself in nature, taking chances, doing what lights you up, filling your own cup, and a regular stream of inspiration.

We believe you can create a life you love, we believe in you.

Let the Intrinsic way of life guide you along your journey, whatever comes across your path.

Intrinsic's collections

Here at Intrinsic, we love nothing more than to create beautiful products that spark inspiration and infuse your soul with positivity, making you glow from the inside out.

From our light-filled laneway studio in the heart of Adelaide, our team of creatives dream up the inspiring products and vibrant designs. Each piece carries Adèle’s meaningful quotes set inside Intrinsic's signature look frame, all aimed at bringing hope, happiness and inspiration to the world.

Intrinsic's range has expanded from greeting cards to include stationery, journals, diaries, affirmation cards, calendars, mugs, travel cups, travel accessories, clutches, purses, quote books, bracelets and hand creams - all designed to bring light to your life.

Whether you're celebrating life’s special occasions, travelling the globe, keeping track of your daily magic moments, or bringing your own dreams to life, Intrinsic is humbled to be part of your world.


Now that you know what Intrinsic means to us, we wish you a lovely journey as you explore our sparkling website!

Check back often as we release new collections throughout the year, or better yet, subscribe to our email newsletter to be the first to know when we launch new Intrinsic goodies.

Sending you love, light and magic…



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