Intuition Cards for Daily Wisdom



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Enhance your intuitive prowess and create a deeper sense of self-trust with Intrinsic's Daily Wisdom Intuition Cards

Intuition is a superpower. It's an instinctive awareness that can shape your life and decisions. The more you develop it, the better you'll become at recognising, interpreting and trusting your natural wisdom.
To help you on your intuitive journey we've created this powerful little box of cards.

Nestled inside a luscious, boho patterned gift box, you’ll discover 32 mini affirmation cards tucked into a pink drawstring pouch. Each unique card begins with a thought-provoking word, before opening up to an inspirational quote by Adèle Basheer. 

Each time you choose a card, you'll connect with the message in a unique way, sparking your intuitive thoughts, encouraging positive thinking and bringing inspiration to your day.

Get your dose of daily wisdom by keeping your box of affirmations: 

  • By your bedside to empower your day.
  • Displayed on the coffee table to inspire your family & guests.
  • In your car for some peak-hour pondering.
  • Add your fave cards to your diary or vision board. 
  • As journaling prompts.

Available in six themes: Goals + DreamsJoy + HappinessCourage + StrengthMindfulness and Love + Healing

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