Olivine Green Key Chain



Add a dash of luxe, a pop of colour and a sprinkle of inspo wherever you go, with an Intrinsic Olivine Green Key Chain

This mood-boosting accessory will add a colour-happy splash and personalised touch to jazz up any house key, car fob, purse or backpack… anything yearning for a vibrant lift!

Designed in South Australia, this heart-shaped, green, vegan leather keyring features a gorgeous tassel and positive words of inspiration from positivity icon, Adèle Basheer.

So now for the tricky part, which happy hue speaks to your soul?

Discover Intrinsic's accessories...

Our collection of accessories brings inspiration to your fashion, jewellery and travel dreams. Colour your world with hand creams, purses, keyrings and travel, all with Adèle Basheer quotes to inspire your life.

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