Rise Strong Notebox



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A gorgeous piece of paper is at the ready when you have Intrinsic's Rise Strong Notebox sitting pretty on your desk, kitchen bench, or table.

Featuring a gorgeous swing lid, adorned with punchy pink and red hues, sparkles of gold foil, and an uplifting quote by South Australian inspiration icon Adèle Basheer. Inside you'll find individual sheets of blank paper with beautiful patterns decorating the borders.

It's one magical box with many wondrous uses, use your Intrinsic notepaper box to:

  • Slip a note to someone special
  • Jazz up those important reminders that sit on your desk, fridge, or pinboard
  • Leave a loving message in your kids' lunchbox
  • Jot down those quick to-do's and shopping lists
  • Scribble down your fave quotes or affirmations
  • A colourful alternative to a post-it note.

Run out of notepaper? Well, ta da! You now have a pretty little box to store your knick-knacks or jewellery.

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