Soul Chat with Nicole Joy

 Intrinsic Soulful Chats with Nicole Joy Inspire


Introducing our 'Soul Chats', where we talk with positivity queens, inspiring goddesses, empowering wonder women, and awe-inspiring girl bosses.

Our vision is to uncover how these lovely ladies nurture their soul, feed their mind, and nourish their body, to share their tips and insight with Intrinsic's beautiful community.

First up, we chat with Nicole Joy; podcast host, wellness junkie, mindfulness speaker, healthy eating author, and all-round gorgeous woman.

Read below for Nicole's tips and tricks to fill your cup with loveliness:

I practice mindfulness every day by…

Trying to engage with whatever I’m doing with all my senses. So if I’m washing my hands (which is a lot these days!) I focus on the feel of the water against my skin... how the soap feels as it bubbles... what the temperature of the water is... the sensations in my fingers as they intertwine with each other.

I stop and notice how my feet feel on the floor beneath me as I stand there... how the clothing I am wearing feels against my skin.

We can do this with EVERY activity we do.

My top three self-care activities are…

1) Meditation, everrrrrryday.
2) Self-compassion - treat yourself how you would treat your best friend.
3) The opportunity to reset with a Cherry Ripe, glass of wine, and latest episode of #MAFS. Sometimes I just need to switch off.

My go-to tools for expanding my mind…

Meditation, especially Dr Joe Dispenza’s work.

I nourish my body with…

Green smoothies! If you do one thing for your nutrition every day, make it a green smoothie!
My go-to recipe is:
- 1/2 frozen banana
- Serving of greens powder (I love Vital Greens All in One)
- 1 tbs nut butter/tahini
- Sprinkling of chia seeds
- Handful of greens (spinach or kale)
- 250 ml coconut water/non-dairy milk
Blend it all together and enjoy.

My fave affirmation, mantra or quote…

"I open myself up to the abundance of the universe and all the divine to flow through me."

My advice for overcoming challenging times…

BREATHE. Focus on increasing your exhale, making it double your inhale ideally. In for 4, out for 8. A very quick way to get your body out of “fight or flight” mode and into “rest + digest” mode - and as a population, we spend far too much time in the former. Your breath can help you out of that.

Hear more from this beautiful soul - and make sure you listen to her Becoming Mum Podcast - by popping over to the Nicole Joy Inspire website, liking Nicole Joy Inspire on Facebook or following @nicolejoyinspire on Instagram. We love her real, raw and honest take on all things in life!


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