Invoke change. Make a difference.

The last few weeks have led us to a crossroad. An awakening, that we as individuals, communities and businesses can no longer simply shake our heads in despair at, turn a blind eye to, or pretend doesn’t exist.
Like many of you, I’ve been (yet again) horrified and saddened by the unjust deaths that led to protests across the US, and have reverberated to Australia with the call for social justice for Indigenous Australians on our own soil.
It sparked in me a deeper reflection personally, a call to walk alongside our Indigenous Australians and POC at the Black Lives Matter rally in Adelaide on the weekend, and an opportunity for an open dialogue within our team at Intrinsic.
I’d always believed that ‘The Intrinsic Way’ fostered a culture of justness, inclusiveness. But it’s an unspoken culture, not written, not specifically addressed, not specifically acknowledged.
This week's team huddle leaned away from our usual activities, to activate that unspoken culture, and invited an open conversation for everyone to share one thing they’ve been awakened to, learned or acted upon during this time.
It’s not easy to open ourselves to uncomfortable conversations, particularly when we’ve been brought up in a society that is predominantly ‘white’ in its thinking. But getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and embracing change is the only way to keep moving forward.
Our team's conversation this week didn’t just touch the surface. The sharing of our personal stories opened an outpour of emotion, from heartache, overwhelm, helplessness, sorrow, compassion and shame, to insight, full-hearted passion, pride, willingness to grow, encouragement and possibilities. The ideas, resources and personal commitments shared were profound.
Our mission at Intrinsic has always been to uplift, inspire and make a difference, and I believe the greatest gift we can give to each other is to continually share the insights, learnings and actions that open our hearts and minds, that shape us into better human beings, that will make the world a more inclusive and loving place.
Any kind of inner work takes commitment, it takes courage. Sometimes when you poke about in the dark, you shine a light on something that makes you feel a little uneasy. But by shining that light, you can address it, question it, and set it right.
Here we are together, at a crossroad. Each of us with the power to take a stance, to invoke change, to make a difference. To open our hearts and walk side by side.
Love and Light,
Adèle xx
"All it takes is a new perspective and we can open the doorway to a new possibility"
Adèle Basheer
Learning, listening and looking within
Our team has committed to long-lasting growth and evolvement to expand our awareness, and we want to share these resources with you in the hope of inspiring your own growth and learning journey.
As our team come across books, podcasts, documentaries, stories and other forms of education that we find eye-opening, we're going to share these along the way. Let's learn together and help each other.
If you’re not sure where to begin, the below recommendations have sparked awareness in our team so far...
6 ways to expand your knowledge & understanding:
- Book: 'Dark Emu' by Bruce Pascoe
- Podcast: 'Seeing White' series by Scene on Radio
- Documentary: '13th' on Netflix YouTube Account or Netflix
- Movie: Rabbit-Proof Fence on SBS on Demand
- TV: 'Hard Truths' on ABC's Q+A
- Act: Uluru Statement from the Heart
We’d love to know what you’re learning, listening to, watching, reading or doing to help expand your inclusive mind and make the world better.
Reach out to us in the comments below with the resources you've come across, so we can keep sharing and inspiring an awakening in all of us.